Πέμπτη 31 Μαΐου 2012

from Kolmården

Swedish green marble, or simply Swedish green, is a marble from quarries in Kolmården, in the province of Södermanland in Sweden.

It is fine-grained, with a variable green colour and attractive veining, due to serpentines in the stone. It is considered one of the hardest marbles in the world.

Swedish green has been used extensively in buildings and monuments in Sweden.

Τετάρτη 30 Μαΐου 2012

dark Emperador

Since the dawn of civilization, natural stones have been crafted into works of art and valued in the home. Today, beautiful stones such as Dark Emperador marble are more popular than ever, signifying elegance and beauty.

Dark Emperador is a calcareous stone which presents a dark brown tone of colour crossed white or light brown veins.

The classification (and also its capacity of being supplied and its price) depends on the homogeneity of the tone of colour, the constant veining and the presence of mineral intrussions.

It’s suitable for indoor flooring and cladding. In outdoor areas only for cladding small zones (with maintenance) or in antique finish.

The stone can be finished in polished, honed, antiqued principally. Sandblasted or split are less used

Volumetric Weight  2,65grs/cm3
Coefficient of Absorption  0,40%
Porosity 1,20%
Compression Strength  1.597 kg/cm2 
Flexure Strength  210 kg/cm2 
Friction Wear Resistance  0,55 mm 
Impact Strength  35 cms 
Knoop Microhardness  157 kg/mm2 

Τρίτη 29 Μαΐου 2012



....Η συγγραφή ενός βιβλίου σαν συνέπεια πνευματικής διεργασίας, είναι η προσπάθεια προαγωγής απόψεων και γνώσεων σε ευρύτερο κοινό. Ο ανά χείρας τόμος όμως, δεν είναι συγγραφή βιβλίου, αλλά σύνοψη της υπάρχουσας και ισχύουσας νομοθεσίας που αφορά στα Λατομεία. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι οι λογικές και οι απόψεις δεν είναι του συντάκτη, αλλά του εκάστοτε νομοθέτη, όπως αυτές διαμορφώνονται από επιταγές εθνικές, διεθνών συμβάσεων ή της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.
Η ιδέα του συντάκτη ήταν να γίνει αυτή η σύνοψη και η άποψή του περιορίζεται στην συλλογή και λειτουργική παρουσίαση των ενοτήτων που περιέχονται.
Προσπάθεια βέβαια κοπιώδης και χρονοβόρα, αλλά πιστεύουμε απαραίτητο και λειτουργικό εργαλείο τόσο για τον μελετητή και τον επενδυτή, όσο και για την Δημόσια Διοίκηση.
Η Δημόσια Διοίκηση δεν συζητά τον Νόμο, τον εφαρμόζει. Η αποστολή της όμως, σε μία λειτουργική και ευνομούμενη Κοινωνία, είναι να εντοπίζει τα προβλήματα και να προτείνει στην Πολιτική Εξουσία Λύσεις - Προτάσεις στα πλαίσια του ισχύοντος Νόμου, των ειδικών επιστημονικών γνώσεών της και της διεθνούς εμπειρίας και πρακτικής.
Το ανάτυπο αυτό έχει και αυτό τον σκοπό. Να γίνει και ένα ερέθισμα στην Πολιτεία για επικαιροποίηση και εκσυγχρονισμό της υπάρχουσας και ισχύουσας Νομοθεσίας της Χώρας στον Τομέα της Λατομείων.
Η παρουσίαση των κανονιστικών διατάξεων (νόμων, προεδρικών διαταγμάτων, υπουργικών αποφάσεων, εγκυκλίων και διευκρινιστικών εγγράφων) γίνεται σαν ξηρή παράθεση του κειμένου που είναι δημοσιευμένο στη Εφημερίδα της Κυβερνήσεως, με τις τροποποιήσεις και συμπληρώσεις που έχουν επέλθει μέχρι την 30η Ιανουαρίου 2002.
Η παρουσίαση αρχίζει με τον Μεταλλευτικό Κώδικα και τα σχετικά Νομοθετήματα και συνεχίζεται με τις Διατάξεις, Εγκυκλίους και Έγγραφα Εφαρμογής του.
Ακολουθεί η ΚΥΑ 69269/5387/90 «Κατάταξη έργων και δραστηριοτήτων σε κατηγορίες, περιεχόμενο Μελέτης Περιβαλλοντικών Επιπτώσεων (ΜΠΕ), καθορισμός περιεχομένου ειδικών περιβαλλοντικών μελετών (ΕΠΜ) και λοιπές συναφείς διατάξεις, σύμφωνα με το Ν. 1650/1986», ως άμεσα συνδεδεμένης με την ορθολογιστική διαχείριση του Φυσικού Πλούτου της Χώρας, η ΚΥΑ Δ10/Φ68/4437/01 (ΦΕΚ 244 ΒΔ/8.3.01) «Προδιαγραφές και χρονοδιάγραμμα ειδικής μελέτης αποκατάστασης (άρθρο 7 παρ. 1 εδαφ. β Ν. 2837)» και οι Διατάξεις Περί Δασών με τις Αποφάσεις που τις ακολουθούν.
Στη συνέχεια παρουσιάζονται οι Ειδικές Ρυθμίσεις που αφορούν τα Λατομεία του Νομού Αττικής.
Ο τόμος αυτός συμπληρώνεται με τον Κώδικα Μεταλλευτικών και Λατομικών Εργασιών με τις σχετικές Υπουργικές Αποφάσεις που τον συνοδεύουν, καθώς και με την Κ.Υ.Α. Δ7/Φ1/4817/15.3.90 που αναφέρεται στα μέτρα πυροπροστασίας στις εγκαταστάσεις μεταλλείων και λατομείων.
Τέλος δίδεται ένα Παράρτημα, με σχέδια Δημοσίων εγγράφων που πρέπει να εκδώσει η Δημόσια Διοίκηση για να λειτουργήσει νόμιμα ένα λατομείο.
Κλείνουμε το σημείωμά μας αυτό με τον στίχο του Πίνδαρου «Νόμος Βασιλεύς Πάντων» (517-452 π.Χ.)...........

Terminal 4, Barajas Airport

...over 123,000 sqm surfaces and 6,000 ml kerbs of Mistral Beige marble harmonize with the modern architecture of the Barajas Terminal 4 designed by Antonio Lamela and Richard Rogers. The marble harness and high erosion resistance were the determinants for its selection because in a high-transmit place like this, lengthy durability materials are indispensable. Apart from its functionality, Mistral Beige has an awesome beauty typical of the Natural Stone, giving greater space and light to the Terminal....
Materials: Marbles

Κυριακή 27 Μαΐου 2012

emerald, Jasper, topaz, Galuca...

....The Spanish " Alexandro el Magno," first published in 1782 by Sanchez from a MS. copy, apparently of the fourteenth century, contains a curious description of Babylon—a city, says the poet, abundant beyond all abundance, rich in the gifts of ages, safe from disease and distress, perfumed by nutmegs and nard, where all faces are joyous, and the three holy rivers flow over costly stones, some of which dispense a beautiful light, and others give health and strength. There is the emerald, brighter than a mirror ; the jasper, which preserves from poison ; the garnet, which casts out demons and destroys serpents ; magnets, which rule over iron ; the diamond, which can only be affected by the blood of kids ; the topaz, which gives its own colour to all it approaches ; the galuca, which makes its possessor happy and rich ; the melocius, which discovers thieves ; the idropicus, which deprives the moon of her colour and makes its possessor invisible ; the sagita, which calls down the clouds ; the coral, which wards off the thunderbolt and preserves from violent death; the hyacinth, of the colour of day, that cures all diseases ; the margarita, formed of dews ; the peorus, whose colour cannot be described ; the calatides, which makes bitter sweet ; the solgoma (solisgemma), that creates the lightning, and the selenite, that waxes and wanes with the moon; the agate, that stops the course of rivers ; the absinth, which, once heated, preserves its fires—in a word, every precious stone that possesses miraculous virtue....
 ....Diamond, the most beautiful, brilliant, and precious of all stones, signifies light, innocence, purity, life, and joy. Ruby signifies divine power and love, dignity and royalty.....

undyed Colored Marbles

Antique Clay Marbles

Clay marbles are the most common type of antique handmade marble found today. These marbles tend to be a softer ceramic clay and are fired at lower temperatures than porcelain and stoneware marbles. They are not perfectly round. Most clay marbles found are a plain tan color or dyed beige. Sometimes you may find clay marbles in what looks like strikingly bright and modern colors. These are not new, they are old ones with their original paint or dye, and are worth two or three times the price of worn examples or undyed clay-colored types. Sometimes the coloration is unusual speckles or hand painted lines, and these bring a strong premium....

Σάββατο 26 Μαΐου 2012

Beauty It Is!

...White Thassos stone is the most famous and probably the purest white stone ever extracted from foreign or Greek quarries. It is a very strong, bright and sparkling natural rock, crystal snowwhite in color as it’s composed of small crystals (crystalline). Due to the small transparent crystals, one of its worldwide spread name and selection is Greek Crystal marble.The stone, in ancient times, it was extensively used in sculpturing and in decoration and construction of several religious monuments, public and residential buildings. Thassian, Athenian and other ancient Greeks were not the only ones who had discovered and appreciated its beauty. Citizens of Asian coasts of Aegean and Mediterranean Sea had also the opportunity to taste its beauty as Thassian people, being quite dynamic in trade, have early started to export mainly sculptures and unprocessed blocks of the white Thassian marble. The stone today is the first choice in architecture and construction supplies for residential, commercial and institutional development projects and for the monuments industry, as well. It can be used in several applications in traditional and modern design projects. The most common, yet impressive application of white Thassos marble tile in architecture is a tiled floor highly polished...

Παρασκευή 25 Μαΐου 2012

Interchangeable Marbles

......The silicon mold is injected with hot wax from a wax pot. The wax comes out of a tube and is pushed into the rubber mold. Once the wax has cooled, the mold is opened to reveal a wax replica of the original metal piece. Several wax replicas will be made and added to a wax tree. The pieces are carefully attached to the branches of wax, which converge in a common trunk. The wax tree is inserted into a cylindrical flask, which is filled with a cementing mixture called investment. A vacuum is used to insure there are no bubbles in the investment. Once the investment has gone off and hardened, it is put into the oven and the wax is burned out leaving a negative of it's form in the hardened investment.

The flask is kept in the oven until we are ready to cast. The metal is heated in a crucible with a torch until it is red hot and melts. It is poured into the flask through the trunk of what was the wax tree (upside down) before it evaporated. A vacuum system is used again to insure there are no bubbles in the metal. The flask is then dipped into a bucket of water. The investment loosens and settles to the bottom of the bucket of water. What is left is what was the wax tree and is now a metal tree of whatever metal was cast. The metal is allowed to cool. The pieces are then clipped off the metal tree and rough ground to get the sharp parts off. They are then put through a series of tumblers that achieve the polishing process......

Πέμπτη 24 Μαΐου 2012

Invest in Marble Art

Collecting fine art used to be a luxury reserved for the extraordinarily rich and well connected. Today, however, collecting art is an investment strategy that, with a little interest and research, can prove to be both enjoyable and lucrative. Not long ago, an article in Forbes reported that, over a number of different time periods, art outperformed the S&P 500. Even in the months following September 11th, amid recession and war, art auction houses saw new sales records set for more than thirty artists. A study by New York University, which examined twenty seven recessions and four wars, concluded that art values tend to hold up well during periods of economic difficulty and that art indexes always outperform major stock indexes during times of war.

Peter Scott S. Sahlman, head of Sahlman Fine Art Consulting, has advocated that art be recognized for its potential as a balancing or stabilizing asset, in addition to its ability to provide aesthetic pleasures. Sahlman states, "Buying fine art can balance one's securities, real estate, bond, and hedge fund holdings. When fine art is purchased by a shrewd buyer, it can stabilize the volatility of one's entire portfolio and position an art collection for upside appreciation."

Naturally, investors intrigued by these possibilities should also keep the old adage "buyer beware" in mind. Here are two important concerns to keep in mind when buying fine art:
Anything that can be said about art as an investment applies only to genuine art and not to fakes or forgeries. Investors should ask their dealer or gallery for certificates of authenticity or to speak with the artist directly, if he or she is alive.The liquidity of art - or, the ability to convert it directly into cash - is often limited. However, many investors over the years would attest that such risks are manageable.When buying art, there is one truth that above all others serves to make the risks worth taking: If you buy something because you love it or for its beauty or personal appeal, you can never really lose....


through Talladega County

Sylacauga marble is found in a belt running through Talladega County, Alabama. It is prized for its pure white color and its crystalline structure. The stone is named after the town of Sylacauga, Alabama, which is sometimes called "the Marble City". Sylacauga marble has been called the "world's whitest". It has been mined for over 160 years, and is used for building, sculpture, and by the paper industry. The Alabama legislature declared marble as the official State Rock in 1969.

Sylacauga marble occurs mainly in Alabama's Talladega County. It runs in a swath 32 miles (51 km) in length, from the Coosa River to just south of the city of Talladega. The deposit is up to 600 feet (180 m) in depth and is focused on the city of Sylacauga, for which it is named.

Major mining operations currently include Omya, Alabama Marble Co., and Imerys. Although the pure white color is most widely known in the market, portions of the deposit produce types with bodies or veining in black pink, gray, and yellow hues.

Sylacauga marble has been praised by sculptors as equivalent to Italy's famous Carrara marble, and is noted for its translucency. It was used for the bust of Abraham Lincoln which resides in the United States Capitol rotunda. It was used for the ceilings in the Lincoln Memorial, and was also used in Washington Monument and for the interiors of the United States Supreme Court Building.

Aside from use as sculptural media and as a building stone, the marble is also used in industry as a coating to whiten high-quality paper, for electrical insulation, pigment, and other purposes. It is used in agriculture as a soil amendment.

Τετάρτη 23 Μαΐου 2012

Dimension Stones

Farm Widouw 309, 12 km south of Vanrhynsdorp, Western Cape Province

Marble has been quarried for dimension stone (both building stone and floor tiles) since the 1920s (Wybergh, 1932) but more recently, up until 1996 when the last working quarry closed (Namaqua Marble Industries (Pty) Ltd; Minerals Bureau, 1997), it was used for both cladding and floor tiles, with some stone being destined for the export market (Oosterhtiis, 1999). One deposit, a white dolomitic marble on the farm Moedverloren 208, 32 km northwest of Vanrhynsdorp, has been worked out (De Jager, 1976). Quarrying started in the area west and northwest of Vanrhynsdorp before finishing in the area south of Vanrhynsdorp on the farm Widouw 309.

Total resources could be 1000 million tons (Martini, 1987) and thicknesses of at least 35 m have been proved (De Jager, 1976; Oosterhuis, 1998). This area probably has the best potential for the economic exploitation of marble by small-scale miners and is the focus of the exploration programme described below.

The deposit has already been extensively prospected by ISCOR and Trans Hex Mining Limited; access to their previous drilling data would greatly reduce costs to future small-scale mining.

The target area on Widouw 309 has access to power, water and labour, and a railway-loading facility is present at Klawer, within 15 km, for the transport of raw blocks and slabs. However, it would be more beneficial to construct a local factory for the cutting and polishing of slabs and tiles thereby adding value to the finished product.


Marble occurs in an area centred on Vanrhynsdorp, in the Neoproterozoic Widouw Formation of the Gariep Supergroup (De Beer et al., 2002. The degree of metamorphic recrystallization of the original marine limestone is controlled by the amount of shearing (De Beer et al., 2002). The mostly finely crystalline marble is predominantly calcitic, but in places, dolomitic. Colours are generally bluish-grey, but locally white and rarely black (Wybergh, 1920, 1932; De Jager, 1976; De Beer et al., 2002). Carbonaceous strinaers are common.

The marble on Widouw 309 is a pure calcitic marble as indicated by the following average geochemical analyses of 138 samples (Martini, 1987): SiO2 = 0.9%; AI2O3 = 0.23%; Fe2O3 = 0.3%; CaO = 52.9%; MgO = 1.5%; P205 = 0.1%; S = 0.012%; RCO3 = 97.6%. The strata are broadly folded with fold axes trending northwest and dips less than 45°.

Green Fieldwork

Marmi di Carrara srl has been active in the stone sector since 1956 offering our own as well as exclusive ranges of marble, granite, onyx and stone products. Our company specializes in finding rare and precious materials and supplying quality products at the best prices for project work and large scale installations.
We have our own geologists in the field selecting product from quarries in the countries the materials originate from, where our affiliated operating companies manage production based on market demand.
Our range of exclusive prioducts includes ; Verde Malachite, Rosso Erika, Desert Stone, Travertino Italiano Navona, Rosso Damasco, Absolute Black.
A team of experts is constantly engaged in fieldwork at the various different quarries in the Apuane Alps to select the best types of Statuario, Carrara, Gioia, Arabescato, Calacatta and other similar marble.
All our products are checked and tested before being placed on the market.
Exclusive products, as well as our standard range, are used in our laboratory facilities to carry out high-level projects combining tradition and experience with the most innovative technology.

Τρίτη 22 Μαΐου 2012

Greek Μάρμαρον

Marble is a non-foliated metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized carbonate minerals, most commonly calcite or dolomite.

Geologists use the term "marble" to refer to metamorphosed limestone; however stonemasons use the term more broadly to encompass unmetamorphosed limestone.

Marble is commonly used for sculpture and as a building material.

The word "marble" derives from the Greek "μάρμαρον" (mármaron), from "μάρμαρος" (mármaros), "crystalline rock", "shining stone",perhaps from the verb "μαρμαίρω" (marmaírō), "to flash, sparkle, gleam".This stem is also the basis for the English word marmoreal, meaning "marble-like."

Whilst the English term resembles the French marbre, most other European languages (e.g. Spanish mármol, Italian marmo, Portuguese mármore, German, Norwegian, Danish and Swedish marmor, Armenian marmar, Dutch marmer, Polish marmur, Turkish mermer, Czech mramor and Russian мрáмор ) follow the original Greek.

Marble is a rock resulting from metamorphism of sedimentary carbonate rocks, most commonly limestone or dolomite rock. Metamorphism causes variable recrystallization of the original carbonate mineral grains.

The resulting marble rock is typically composed of an interlocking mosaic of carbonate crystals. Primary sedimentary textures and structures of the original carbonate rock (protolith) have typically been modified or destroyed.

Pure white marble is the result of metamorphism of a very pure (silicate-poor) limestone or dolomite protolith. The characteristic swirls and veins of many colored marble varieties are usually due to various mineral impurities such as clay, silt, sand, iron oxides, or chert which were originally present as grains or layers in the limestone.

Green coloration is often due to serpentine resulting from originally high magnesium limestone or dolostone with silica impurities. These various impurities have been mobilized and recrystallized by the intense pressure and heat of the metamorphism.

As the favorite medium for Greek and Roman sculptors and architects (see classical sculpture), marble has become a cultural symbol of tradition and refined taste. Its extremely varied and colorful patterns make it a favorite decorative material, and it is often imitated in background patterns for computer displays, etc.


to Mountain Geologies

Yule Marble is a type of metamorphosed limestone found only in the Yule Creek Valley, in the West Elk Mountains of Colorado, 2.8 miles (4.5 km) southeast of the town of Marble, Colorado.First discovered in 1873, it is quarried today inside a mountain at 9,300 feet (2,800 m) above sea level, in contrast to most marble, which is quarried from an open pit and at much lower elevations.

The localized geology created a marble that is 99.5 % pure calcite with a grain structure that gives a smooth texture, a homogeneous look, and a luminous surface. It is these qualities for which it was selected to clad the exterior of the Lincoln Memorial and a variety of buildings throughout the country in spite of being more expensive than other marbles. The size of the deposits enables large blocks to be quarried, which is why the marble for the Tomb of the Unknowns, with its 56-ton die block, was quarried from Yule Marble.

Yule's quality comes at a high price due to the cost of quarrying in a high altitude mountain environment. This challenge has caused the industry and the town of Marble to undergo many boom and bust periods since quarrying started in the mid 1880s, making the town emblematic of the economic fluctuations that beset a single-industry economy. Technology advancements in quarrying machinery and transportation have reduced but not solved the cost problem that afflicts the operation through the present.

Αυτοβιογραφία Λατομείου

Η επενέργεια του Θεού
Στα Ωραιότερα Μάρμαρα
Τα Φημισμένα Λατομεία της Αυτοκρατορίας
Πολύτιμα Υλικά
Πορφύρα, Λευκό και Πρασινωπό Διάστικτο Μάρμαρο
Στεφάνια με Μαρμάρινα Κιονόκρανα
Μάρμαρα Πολύχρωμα
Ψηφιδωτά στο Βαθύ Μπλε και το Αργυρό
Υπέρθυρα και Κρήνες
Οικόσημα, Φουρούσια, Προσκυνητάρια, Γουδιά
Πήλινα και Γύψινα
Λατόμευση και Μαρμαροτεχνία
Συναρμογή Δεσποτικού Θρόνου
Εύπλαστες Πυκνότητες
Συγκροτημένων Υδραγωγείων
Πνοές Μαρμάρων σε Δίνες Περιήγησης, Ταξιδιωτών Σμαράγδια
Ουράνιες Γραμμώσεις
Το αν Ανασαίνω...
Το αν δεν Ανασαίνω...
Μια ανυψωτική μηχανή, η Μπίγα και ένα Βαγονέτο
Μια Σέσουλα και μια Στροφή
Δυο Ράγες
Σκόνη, Υπόλευκη, σχεδόν Αστρική  Υλη που ξέπεσε...
Δημιουργίες του ανώνυμου  Λαικού Τεχνίτη
Οι  Λεπτομέρειες  ενός  Φακού
Σε μια μεσημεριάτικη Σκιά, μια Χρωματική Παλέτα
Η Διάβρωση  του Χρόνου
Η Αυτοβιογραφία του Φωτός
Η Αρμονία
Υλη Μαρμάρου από Κοκκοβλαστικό Ιστό
Διάσπαρτες Μαρμαριγιές σε Γήινο Έδαφος
Αιθέριες Σιπολίνες
Ιζηματογένεση ενός Ασβεστίτη
Χρωματικοί Γεωλογικοί Σχηματισμοί
Σκληρότητα, Σύνθεση, θραύση, Δύναμη, Συνεκδοχή
Δολομίτες σε Συνδυασμό
Λευκότητα με Προσμίξεις
Τυχαία Πρότυπα
Κόκκινος Αιματίτης, Κόκκινη Βασίλισσα, Ανθρακικά τα Οξέα, Όξινη η Βροχή
Μια Εικόνα
Σχεδόν Ελεγειακή, Αρχαιοελληνική Μνημειακή Γλυπτική
Αγάλματα και Οικοδομήματα
Μια Εικόνα ενίοτε Λανθασμένη
Μια Θέαση του Λευκού
Λατομεία Επιφανειακά, Υπόγεια, Συγκυριακά, Μόνιμα
Κατακόρυφες και Οριζόντιες Αυλακιές με πριόνι και άμμο
Υποδοχές για μεταλλικές ή ξύλινες σφήνες
Μητρικό Πέτρωμα
Τα Κιονόκρανα, οι Στήλες, τα Μισοτελειωμένα  Έργα
Έδαφος Ορεινό και Ανώμαλο και πιο κάτω η Θάλασσα
Φάλαγγες ή Σκυτάλες
Φορτηγίδες Λιθαγωγοί
Αμφίπρυμνες Φορτηγίδες
Η Αφροδίτη της Μήλου, ο Ερμής του Πραξιτέλη, οι Κόρες της Ακρόπολης, η
Νίκη της Δήλου, η Νίκη της Σαμοθράκης, ο Ναός του Απόλλωνα...
Στοές  Ζωής
«Βαθιά μέσα στα σπλάχνα της ελληνικής γης η φύση έφτιαξε ό,τι πιο
πολύχρωμο και λαμπερό μπορεί κανείς να φανταστεί...»
Υπόγεια Αστραφτερή Ομορφιά, που μετουσιώνεται από Δυο Xέρια σε Γη και Ουρανό.

Cellular Automata

Cellular Automata
Computational / parametric architecture stays very close to contemporary theory of algorithms...

Lighthouse Architecture

Lighthouse Architecture
The Lighthouse of Alexandria

Potential Monuments

Potential Monuments
It shows a block of marble being quarried...

Memorials of Waste

Memorials of Waste
Visually, the project reflects the impact of pollutants in the aquatic ecology