Τρίτη 28 Ιανουαρίου 2014

biological and Non-Biological systems

The material and functional hybridisation of biological and non-biological systems has been explored in an increasingly diverse manner in art and film, having its most extreme expression in a series of animal-like objects that are difficult to classify. This is due to their formal and material character, the complexion of skin, as well as their status as ‘object-beings’1 and the manner in which these establish a new relationship with the human body. David Cronenberg’s movie eXistenZ (1999)2 and the weird game-pods featured in it, are a pivotal example of such hybridisation, requiring a more careful examination…

Cellular Automata

Cellular Automata
Computational / parametric architecture stays very close to contemporary theory of algorithms...

Lighthouse Architecture

Lighthouse Architecture
The Lighthouse of Alexandria

Potential Monuments

Potential Monuments
It shows a block of marble being quarried...

Memorials of Waste

Memorials of Waste
Visually, the project reflects the impact of pollutants in the aquatic ecology