Τρίτη 25 Νοεμβρίου 2014


Piraeus is a city at the forefront of poverty and unemployment, a city suffering from environmental and cultural degradation. Recent Statistics showed that it has some of the poorest neighborhoods of Greece. The field of education is one of the most growing problems with schools and universities that are threatened with closure, bringing a padlock in a total of 16 segments of education. On the opposite site Piraeus has one of the largest social service networks in Greece, with activities including social kitchen and social learning programs.

Source: www.greekarchitects.gr

Cellular Automata

Cellular Automata
Computational / parametric architecture stays very close to contemporary theory of algorithms...

Lighthouse Architecture

Lighthouse Architecture
The Lighthouse of Alexandria

Potential Monuments

Potential Monuments
It shows a block of marble being quarried...

Memorials of Waste

Memorials of Waste
Visually, the project reflects the impact of pollutants in the aquatic ecology