Παρασκευή 8 Ιουνίου 2012

Magnificent Marble

Stone therapy is not just about hot stones anymore; working with cold marble stones can be very beneficial to a therapist in deep-tissue corrective massage as well deep relaxing massage. Unlike with ice, the client's body embraces the cold from marble stones.

Even though the marble tends to feel 11 degrees colder than its environment, the body accepts the cold from the marble with ease. Cold marble stones seem to draw the heat and inflammation from the body, instead of depositing cold, as with ice or artificial cold products.

Application of cold acts as a vasoconstrictor. The immediate, short-term effect is stimulating. The prolonged use of cold decreases metabolism, inflammation, pain and muscle spasm; it can also increase muscle tone and has an analgesic effect. Depending on the specific temperature, cold applications can increase or decrease circulation.

Therapeutically, cold marble stones are extremely beneficial directly after an injury to help reduce swelling. During a deep-tissue massage, the cold massage stones can soothe the irritated area, helping to prevent bruising and reduce isolated stress for the client.

Like their hot-stone counterparts, the cold marble stones can relax tension and release restrictions in muscles. Alternating the effects of the cold marble and hot-massage stones are dramatic, causing the blood vessels to vacillate between constriction and dilation. The application of heat and cold causes predictable physiological changes in the body that can have powerful, positive therapeutic effects. The application may be general or local, and of short or prolonged duration.Its called effect vascular gymnastics.

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