Τρίτη 9 Ιουνίου 2015

a beer made of stone...

as Peter writes,

...The culinary innovation was kicked off by the 5-year jubilee of BamBam Steenhouwers celebrated in 2014. The enterprise, comprising Marc de Groot and Steven Janse, owners and Gillis Nienhuis, employee, carries out mainly restoration work...

Source: www.stone-ideas.com

Cellular Automata

Cellular Automata
Computational / parametric architecture stays very close to contemporary theory of algorithms...

Lighthouse Architecture

Lighthouse Architecture
The Lighthouse of Alexandria

Potential Monuments

Potential Monuments
It shows a block of marble being quarried...

Memorials of Waste

Memorials of Waste
Visually, the project reflects the impact of pollutants in the aquatic ecology