Δευτέρα 13 Ιουνίου 2016

Abandoned Buildings While Travelling Across Europe

During the last four years, I have been photographing abandoned places across the world for my project “Ask the Dust”. I am now very proud to present my work to you; feel free to create your own stories on what’s hidden behind these images.
Come with me in an epic journey through ruins from the genteel parlours of long departed haute-bourgeoisie families to the sparse industrial beauty of mid-century factories as they quietly rust away. As in a walking day dream, we are absorbed, picture after picture, into a wordless reverie.

Cellular Automata

Cellular Automata
Computational / parametric architecture stays very close to contemporary theory of algorithms...

Lighthouse Architecture

Lighthouse Architecture
The Lighthouse of Alexandria

Potential Monuments

Potential Monuments
It shows a block of marble being quarried...

Memorials of Waste

Memorials of Waste
Visually, the project reflects the impact of pollutants in the aquatic ecology